In Da Baby's World!
New adventures as a mom, & a wife
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Redesign.New look.Motherhood,&Everything in between
I know it's been a year since I last posted, And reason being, I totally forgot I had a blog, Yeah I am pretty bad at that. But that's okay, The first year of Makai's life was an excuse, because youre sleep deprived and half the time you'll be lucky if you remember what day it is, what time it is and when was the last time you ate. But fast forwarding to now, Alot had changed... and this is where it all began..
They Say, you are crazy when people say you want kids? Why would you? I fell in love with my baby, the baby who I carried 9 months in my tiny body. It was hard at first, then I met a few amazing friends and I was just so glad we were all in the same boat. He was such a smiley happy baby and adorable and just loved watching all the milestones he was hitting, Then by 1.5 I think life got carried away and welcome to toddlerhood. I always wanted to be a mom. Really I did. But I never thought after all those experiences I had with other children and my teachings as a preschool teacher would suddenly feel like a major fail. But as what advice I take from my friends that He's a boy, and hes just an energetic little boy who is always going to be the one that wants to be independent and listening isn't one of them. But I am hoping, Just hoping that he will get out of this phase of not being so wild, and crazy and Not listening phase.
As we enter a new stage in our lives, A new sibling. Right now, I am 17 weeks along, and I am trying my best to juggle everything, Being a wonderful wife, a mother to two furry animals, and a mother a 2 1/2 year old toddler. I have been asking myself over and over again since I got pregnant, How do people with multiple children do it? do they sleep at night? do they pull their hair out and scream? I always wondered. I know for sure it must feel stressful. I know that Makai will get better in so many ways, I just have be patient and ask god to guide me in a direction of HOPE. LOTS of it. I know being a mother isn't easy, and for some odd reason I always thought that It was easy before having Kai. lol. But my perspective is that it's not easy, we will struggle, we will lose hope, we will feel like nothing ever works, or that you feel that you are a bad mom because the discipline that you chose isn't working. But I now tell myself, GOD IS Watching, He will help you, He will guide you, you are his child and he will be there to tell you IT"s gonna be okay if you are feeling like you failed today, Just know you will wake up tomorrow refreshed, and you can start over again. Parenting isn't easy. Being a mother isn't easy and I just need to continue to tell myself that. Ok, enough about my venting...
Last paragraph, I swear. I know it may not all make sense, but if you know me, you will understand clearly of what I'm trying to say.
I am grateful. I am Very grateful. of the life I have . A wonderful husband who loves me, takes care of me, a house to live in, two children and two kids. and wonderful friends. from highschool, college and in my mommies group, you know who are. I love you all. and I am glad you are all part of my life. Thank you for your support..
PS. Please feel free to comment, I would love to hear from you all. I know we all have busy lives, but if you have some downtime, what can I do for a few minutes, feel free to check back on my blog..
Thank you
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Okay, so a year later....

So after a few months of posting my last post, its been awhile. Hmmm, it must be the fact that Makai got older, mobile and I lost track of time. After 2 months old, I have written everything down on a Calendar So I didn't forget anything.around makai being two months old I met my first mommy friend Denise, she is awesome., she has an adorable son Riley, who is a little older than Makai. We both attended the New Moms group at the Hospital where we we met a few friends along the way. :-)
So fast forward the time a bit.
On December 30th 2011, we celebrated Makai's first birthday. Matt and i took him to ihop for his first meal of pancakes, and lots of them, hashbrowns and his first egg:-) and... he loved it. Shortly after breakfast was done, even though he was a little young, we let him choose a toy, OK, well we picked it out and he was excited as always.
Then, we headed home, to play with it, had a nap, then had dinner.
After dinner was the bet part. He had. His first brownie :-) he kept signing more, but we limited it of course, note, tummy ache the next morning if he had ate more than one. I don't exactly remember if I took a picture of him eating it, I'd have to look.
The next morning on New years eve, we had his 1st birthday party, alot of his friends and family came. It was a blast:-) and a long long day. Lol.
Oh btw, Christmas we spent at grandma and grandpa in the dalles. It was a great christmas, but two days before he had hives, and i ended up taking him to the doctor and it turns out he's allergic to lavender. Huh. Yeah, he's very sensitive, during Christmas he got to meet uncle Michael for the first time. And at that time we all got sick with a horrible old yuck.
Anyway, that was part of his first year, I promise I'll be blogging more now that I am not sleep deprived and have energy and a moment to think and write:-) I'll post about the happenings on months,Jan April later.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Busy body, giggles & tickles
So, its been awhile.
My little man is 9 months old, crawling, talking away, pulling himself up and slowly learning how to walk. Every day is a new adventure with him. He loves swimming class. Loves the water! Playgroups are his favorite. Seperation anxiety is not. He eats pretty much anything, loves to feed himself. Bread, pasta,puffs and mum mums are the must haves. Recently he is drinking from a sippy cup that he ac tually likes! 9 month check up was today he is healthy little champ! No teeth yet, but doctor said its good not to have yet, with the worries of brushing teeth etc. He think Kai will get all his teeth a liitle before his birthday.
Anyhow, that's what Kai is up to. Matt and I are just trying to keep up with him.
My little man is 9 months old, crawling, talking away, pulling himself up and slowly learning how to walk. Every day is a new adventure with him. He loves swimming class. Loves the water! Playgroups are his favorite. Seperation anxiety is not. He eats pretty much anything, loves to feed himself. Bread, pasta,puffs and mum mums are the must haves. Recently he is drinking from a sippy cup that he ac tually likes! 9 month check up was today he is healthy little champ! No teeth yet, but doctor said its good not to have yet, with the worries of brushing teeth etc. He think Kai will get all his teeth a liitle before his birthday.
Anyhow, that's what Kai is up to. Matt and I are just trying to keep up with him.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Makai at 2 Months old
Friday, January 7, 2011
He's here
I'm loving every moment and every minute with my baby boy. I am so blessed and happy that I have him in my life. couldn't imagine life without him.
Friday, December 24, 2010
6 days left!
waiting on Baby Makai to makes his entrance. It's christmas eve and i'm patiently waiting. I feel really uncomfortable and ended up waking up to a bad migraine. If He doesn't come before the 30th, I will be induced on the 30th. I hope everyone have a wonderful holiday. Merry christmas =)
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
oh and I forgot
My sweet baby boy's name is Makai David
Makai means " towards the ocean" in Hawaiian
we are using David as a middle name,
Its Matt's middle name and its the name of his great grandfather.
Makai means " towards the ocean" in Hawaiian
we are using David as a middle name,
Its Matt's middle name and its the name of his great grandfather.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
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