Friday, July 30, 2010

17 Weeks and 2 Days

Sooo... Went to my doctor's appointment everything is going well. Heard the babys heartbeat. i am finally gaining weight and everything is normal. We will know the sex of the baby in three weeks! so excited can't wait. :) Im getting huge feel like a wobbly penguin when I walk and its starting to get difficult to get out of my car. I will be 5 months next week. I felt the baby move around 15 weeks and it was a shock, felt kinda weird at first, but now, its more noticable and interesting and Its starting to feel that there is a little jelly bean in me :) LOL

Anyhow, other than the pregnancy, Matt and I have been busy with work, the h0use is fully decorated and comfy.

So... all i can say that we are doing well and enjoying every moment of this pregnancy and life in our new home.

Friday, July 2, 2010

13 Weeks and 2 Days!

I'm quite relieved and yet very happy. Today Matt and I went to my doctor appointment, Everything went well, Heard the baby's heartbeat, still going strong, It's so amazing hearing the baby's heartbeat, doesn't seem too real to me, but at the same time I'm very happy and we are both healthy. I'm feeling great, No Morning sickness and increasing appetite is always good. I love Veggie Pizza and tons of Fruit right now. Those are my cravings at the moment. I am anxiously waiting to know the sex of the baby. One more month and we will know :)

Matt is doing well, his back isn't hurting anymore and thank goodness, he is busy at work as always, but other than that, he is ready for a short vacation. I'm doing well, other than the pregnancy. The kids I work with, Are amazing, They are growing up so fast, it's just amazes me that they have different personalities and They are just fun to be around! I'm Very Happy to work with a great family.

With that note,
Have a Safe 4th of July Holiday
Love all! :)