Monday, October 3, 2011

Busy body, giggles & tickles

So, its been awhile.
My little man is 9 months old, crawling, talking away, pulling himself up and slowly learning how to walk. Every day is a new adventure with him. He loves swimming class. Loves the water! Playgroups are his favorite. Seperation anxiety is not. He eats pretty much anything, loves to feed himself. Bread, pasta,puffs and mum mums are the must haves. Recently he is drinking from a sippy cup that he ac tually likes! 9 month check up was today he is healthy little champ! No teeth yet, but doctor said its good not to have yet, with the worries of brushing teeth etc. He think Kai will get all his teeth a liitle before his birthday.
Anyhow, that's what Kai is up to. Matt and I are just trying to keep up with him.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Makai at 2 Months old

Makai is such a good baby, he is now sleeping 7 1/2-8 hours a night. He is babbling away, loves to smile, and just discovered his hands and holding a rattle. :)

Friday, January 7, 2011

He's here

I'm loving every moment and every minute with my baby boy. I am so blessed and happy that I have him in my life. couldn't imagine life without him.